~°~ Original by KaD's PSP Design ~°~

Thank you Karin for your permission to translate your tutorials.

Translated by Chris for ASDWebdesigns

Please read my TERMS before sharing this tutorial!






Disclaimer: Each Graphic is the property of the original artist to whom the copyright belongs and may not be placed in a collection or offered for sale on-line or otherwise.

This translation is written with PSP 2018 Ultimate, if you work with older versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.





  • Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
  • Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror
  • Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-HLines
  • AAA Frames - Foto Frame and Texture Frame
  • FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss
  • Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow



  • Open all files in PSP, minimize to Tray. NOTE: If you are using different colors you might need to colorize

From PSP 14 and higher there is no option for Image - Mirror & Image -  Flip There is a new option but this does not give the same result except when the tube/image covers the whole image from side to side There is an easy way to add the old Mirror and Flip options to the Image Menu I have written a tutorial you can find it HERE. From PSP 17 the option is back




#372624 #d2bcba #ffa330 #ffd093 #ffffff #000000    

Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion

  • Set your Foregroundcolor to #372624

  • Set your Backgroundcolor to #d2bcba

Color Palette: Set your Foregroundcolor to Foreground/Background Gradient (Corel_06_029) - Style: Linear



The tutorial:


Maximize "445_KaD_Alfakanaal" from tray (this image contains Alpha Selections)

Window - Duplicate

Close the original and proceed on the copy

Fill the image with the Gradient  


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Select All

Maximize "KaD_MistedLandscape6"  from tray

Erase the watermark

Edit - Copy

Minimize to tray again

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste Into Selection

Selections - Select None


Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling - Preset - Side by side

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Hard Light

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 30


Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Flip - Flip Vertical

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Hard Light and lower the Opacity to 80

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Layer Palette:  Right click on this Layer and rename it Raster 1



Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selectie 1

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Keep Selected

Layer Palette: Click on the Layer Below

Edit - Cut (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Selections - Select None


On the same Layer:

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selectie 2

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Selections - Select None



Effects - Plugins - Carolaine and Sensibilty - CS-HLines

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Overlay


Layer Palette: Click on the Top Layer

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Selectie 3

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Selections - Select None

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame


Layer Palette: Click on the Bottom Layer (Raster1)

Maximize "KaD_MistedLandscape6"  from tray again

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss - Default settings

Edit - Repeat Blend Emboss

Layer Palette:  Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Hard Light and lower the Opacity to 38


Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow

Edit - Copy Special - Copy Merged

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Image

Working on the new image:  Image - Resize - 20% - Resize All Layers -  checked


Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2px - #000000

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 20px - #ffffff  

Selections - Invert

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame

Selections - Select None

Edit - Copy


On your main work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Layers - Arrange - Bring to Top

Image - Resize - 65% - Resize All Layers - not checked

Pick Tool (K)   Enter these parameters for the X  and Y positions on the Toolbar

45.00   246.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - Color: #ffa330   Shadow on New Layer - checked


On the Shadow Layer: Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Texture Frame

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:   Vertical: 0   Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20   Color: #000000  (Uncheck Shadow on New Layer)

Layer Palette: Click on the Layer above

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:   Vertical: 0   Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20   Color: #000000

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen More

Result so far:


Maximize "445_KaD_Deco01"  from tray

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

No need to move

Layer Palette:  Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Screen


Maximize "445_KaD_Deco02"  from tray

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Edit - Repeat Move Layer Down

Pick Tool (K)   Enter these parameters for the X  and Y positions on the Toolbar

  114.00   75.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Screen and lower the Opacity to 45


Maximize "445_KaD_Deco03"  from tray

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Pick Tool (K)   Enter these parameters for the X  and Y positions on the Toolbar

  846.00   167.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:   Vertical: 1   Horizontal: 1   Opacity: 50   Blur: 1   Color: #000000


Maximize "445_KaD_Deco04"  from tray

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

No need to Move

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Overlay

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:   Vertical: 0   Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20   Color: #000000

Your work should look like this now:

Layers - Merge - Merge All Flatten


Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #000000

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 20px - #ffffff  

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:   Vertical: 0   Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 60   Blur: 25   Color: #000000

Selections - Select None


Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #ffa330

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3px - #ffffff   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #ffa330

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3px - #ffffff   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #ffa330

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 25px - #ffffff 


Maximize "KaD_Woman_168" from tray

Erase the watermark

Edit - Copy

On your work image: Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Image - Resize - 78% - Resize All Layers - not checked

Pick Tool (K)   Enter these parameters for the X  and Y positions on the Toolbar

  251.00   16.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette: Click on the Layer below (original tube Layer)

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 10

Layer Palette: Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Multiply and lower the Opacity to 60


Maximize "445_KaD_Deco05"  from tray

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Layers - Arrange - Bring to Top

No need to Move


Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #000000

 Image - Resize - Width 900 Pixels - Resize all Layers checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask

Add KaD's watermark to your work

Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and you're done!


Extra Examples by Chris, Anya, and Celine:






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