~°~ Original by  KaD's PSP Design~°~

Thank you Karin for your permission to translate your tutorials.

Translated by Chris for ASDWebdesigns

Please read my TERMS before sharing this tutorial!




Disclaimer: Each Graphic is the property of the original artist to whom the copyright belongs and may not be placed in a collection or offered for sale on-line or otherwise.

This translation is written with PSP 2018 Ultimate, if you work with older versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.



  • All Materials by Karin (KaD's PSP Design)



  • <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0
  • Toadies - Weaver **
  • Mehdi - Wavy Lab and Wavy Lab 1.1
  • FunHouse - Loom and Radial Mirror **
  • It@lian Editors Effect - Effetto Fantasma
  • Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Glass

    ** Import into Filters Unlimited



  • Double click on the Alien Skin Preset it will install automatically
  • Double click on the Font to install into the Windows Font folder(Remember to uninstall after use)
  • Open all other files in PSP, minimize to Tray. NOTE: If you are using different colors you might need to colorize

From PSP 14 and higher there is no option for Image - Mirror & Image -  Flip There is a new option but this does not give the same result except when the tube/image covers the whole image from side to side There is an easy way to add the old Mirror and Flip options to the Image Menu I have written a tutorial you can find it HERE. From PSP 17 the option is back




#1d1424 #ffffff #68487e #bd688c #c2bdd9      

Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion

  • Set your Foregroundcolor to #1d1424

  • Set your Backgroundcolor to #ffffff

Color Palette:


The tutorial:


Maximize "440_KaD_Alfakanaal" from tray

Window - Duplicate (or Shift+D)  This image contains Alpha Selections

Close the original and proceed on the copy

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Wavy Lab 1.1

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 50


Layers - New Raster Layer

Effects - Plugins - Mehdi Wavy Lab

Note: This is a different version not 1.1 and will give different results

Layer Palette:  Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Hard Light and lower the Opacity to 34

Layers - Merge - Merge Down


Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited - Toadies - Weaver

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Free Rotate


Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Layer Palette:  Click on the Bottom Layer

Selections - Select All

Click on the Top Layer

Image - Crop to Selection

Layers - Merge - Merge Down


Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel "Selectie 1"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited - FunHouse - Loom

Selections - Select None


Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Effects - Distortion Effects - Twirl

Note: If your twirl looks not like the above example (zoom in) you can set the degrees to Minus 250 instead and then Flip the image (Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical)



Objects - Align - Bottom

Note: If you don't have this option, activate the Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X and Y positions on the Toolbar

0.00  287.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool



Maximize "KaD_MistedLandscape5" from tray

Erase the watermark

Edit - Copy

Minimize to tray again

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Move to the Right edge like this:


Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel "Selectie 2"

 Hit the Delete key on your keyboard

Note: If necessary, move the Layer into the Selection before pressing Delete

Selections - Select None

Layer Palette:  Click on the Layer below (Promoted Selection)

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:  Vertical: 6   Horizontal: 6   Opacity: 45   Blur: 30  Color: #1d1424

Your work and Layer Palette look like this now:



Layer Palette:  Click on the Bottom Layer (Raster1)

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel "Selectie 3"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections - Select None

Effects - Plugins - It@lian Editors Effect - Effetto Fantasma

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:  Vertical: 0  Horizontal: 7   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20  Color: #1d1424

Layer Palette:  Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Overlay


Layer Palette: Again Click on the Bottom Layer (Raster1)

Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited - FunHouse - Radial Moirror


Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel "Selectie 4"

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Selections - Select None



Layer Palette:  Click on the Top Layer

Edit - Copy Special - Copy Merged

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Effects - Geometric Effects - Circle - Transparent checked

Image - Resize - 5% - Resize All Layers - not checked

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Glass - Preset: "440_KaD_Glass"

Note: If the Preset isn't working for you, use these settings in the Basic tab


Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool

Enter these parameters for the X and Y positions on the Toolbar

  236.00   11.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Image Effects - Offset


Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Edit - Repeat Layer Merge Down

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Your work looks like this now:


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel "Selectie 5"

Fill the Selection with the Foregroundcolor

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1px

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Keep selected


Materials Palette:  Change the Foregroundcolor to #c2bdd9 

Fill the Selection with the Foregroundcolor 

Selections - Modify - Contract - 7px

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Fill the Selection with the Backgroundcolor

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1px

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Flood Fill Tool:  Lower the Opacity to 40 on the Toolbar

Fill the Selections with the Foregroundcolor 

Raise the Opacity of the Flood Fill Tool back to 100 on the Toolbar

Keep selected


Maximize "KaD_MistedLandscape5" again from tray

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Edit - Copy

You can close this tube now

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Image - Resize - 90% - Resize All Layers - not checked

Move into the frame like this:

Selections - Invert

Edit - Cut  (or hit Delete on your keyboard)

Selections - Select None

Layers - Merge - Merge Down


Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:  Vertical: 0  Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20  Color: #1d1424

Layers - Duplicate

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Result so far:


Materials Palette:  Change the Foreground back to #1d1424 and close it

Text Tool (T) Font: Easy Street Alt EPS   Size: 36px


Type "Memories of"

Layer Palette: Right click and Convert to Raster Layer

Type " a great Summer"

Layer Palette: Right click and Convert to Raster Layer

Arrange in the small frame like this:

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette:  Change the Blend Mode of this Layer to Screen


Layer Palette: Check that you are happy with the positions and Blend Modes of your Layers (These can all be adjusted to your taste)

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #1d1424

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 10px #c2bdd9

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3px - #ffffff   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 25px #c2bdd9

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:  Vertical: 0  Horizontal: 0   Opacity: 60   Blur: 25  Color: #1d1424

Selections - Select None

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #68487e

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 2px - #ffffff    

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #68487e


Maximize "KaD_Woman_159"  from tray

Erase the watermark

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Image - Resize - 83% - Resize All Layers - not checked

Pick Tool (K) Enter these parameters for the X and Y positions on the Toolbar

  280.00  20.00

Press any key to close the Pick Tool

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:  Vertical: 0  Horizontal: 7   Opacity: 40   Blur: 20  Color: #1d1424

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #1d1424


Optional: Image - Resize - Width 900 Pixels - Resize all Layers checked

Add your name or watermark, and KaD's watermark. save as JPG file and you're done!


Extra Examples by Chris and Anya Celine:






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